You are about to enter your accommodation request. Quickly check, before completing it, that your application fulfills all the conditions for success:

If your situation does not meet these criteria, do not complete the online application.

If you wish to apply for accommodation in several residences, we invite you to indicate so in the comments.

If you would like additional information, call us: 01 64 88 54 51

Important information

If you do not have the VISALE Visa (rental guarantee), we strongly recommend that you apply for it immediately after registering online:

Indeed, the time to obtain it can be long and this visa is an important part in the examination of your accommodation request.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Type of accomodation

Civil status

Only the residences matching the criteria "Age" and "Type of accommodation requested" you just selected will be offered to you.

The information collected in this form are subject to computer processing for internal and external purposes to our partners and to satisfy legal and regulatory obligations. According to the French Computer and Liberties Law of January 6, 1978, the applicant has an access, rectification and retraction right on his private information.